Archive for June, 2009

GM and Us

For most of my life, GM has been a big part of our local economy and identity. When traveling outside of the U.S. I often explain that my home is in Grand Rapids, Michigan about 150 miles from Detroit. So when General Motors, became the second-largest bankruptcy in history, it was a sad day for […]

Here’s Hoping it Doesn’t Happen Today

Some talk about the return of Christ as if they would like to see it happen now. Not me. Even though I’m waiting and looking expectantly for his promised return I hope it’s not today. I can understand those who hopefully say, “Maybe Today.” If all of their loved ones have made peace with God, […]

Business and Ministry

Is it possible to do ministry in a businesslike way . . . and to see business as a ministry? The question seems important because, even though nonprofit and profit-making efforts are different, both have a lot in common. To survive, both need a clear mission. Both need to know their public, adapt to change, […]

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